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And if we tell you that with our TATTOOPEN temporary tattoo markers, it's easy and quick to create, it's even better!

Let's take on the challenge together with 6 super cute animal makeups: unicorn, turtle, bee, teddy bear, octopus, and giraffe. You can draw them with just one TATTOOPEN tattoo marker, but it's even better with colors!

We love: being able to do makeup for children without necessarily covering their entire faces. Some of them don't like that too much but still want to have a cool animal makeup. This temporary tattoo with our water-based inks is made for them!

Table of Contents

How to achieve precise lines with our TATTOOPEN markers?

Follow our instructions and tips to make precise lines and succeed in all your makeups!

For a thin line:
Hold the marker perpendicular to the skin and draw the line without applying pressure on the tip.

For a thick line:
Simply tilt the marker, and your lines will become thicker! Also, the more you press on the tip while drawing, the wider the line will be.

A piece of advice, practice: it's best to do some tests to adjust the thickness of the lines and dots. Start with simple geometric and abstract shapes before moving on to more elaborate makeups.

Discover all the Tattoopen markers

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Une publication partagée par nailmatic (@nailmatic)

maquillage licorne pour enfant avec feutres tattoopen

1/ Unicorn Kids Makeup

Completion time: 5 short minutes.

We love: its magical aspect. Who knows why, this legendary creature generates incredible enthusiasm among kids, especially among fans of fairy tales and fantasy stories.

Color suggestions: go wild with pink, blue, yellow, and orange, in a rainbow fashion.

To keep this makeup easy and accessible, we focus only on the upper body: the head, neck, horn, and mane.

Step 1: General shape

Follow our model to draw the silhouette of the unicorn, with generous curves, almost like an uppercase R.

Make sure to add a curved line (also rounded) on the curve of the shape to create the snout.

unicorn makeup with tattoopen markers tutorial step 1

Step 2: Ears and the Famous Horn

No unicorn is complete without a horn, we can all agree on that!

To make sure not to miss it, position it nicely on the top of the head and draw stripes.

For the ears, add a small circle on each side of the horn, then a larger circle on each small circle. Too easy!

unicorn kids makeup with tattoopen markers tutorial step 2

Step 3: Eyes and Details

Let's give our unicorn some personality with its eyes and other details.

Draw large, expressive eyes on the face of the unicorn. Add eyelashes for a more whimsical look.

You can also add small dots or stars around the unicorn to enhance the magical effect.

unicorn kids makeup with tattoopen markers tutorial step 3

To create this Unicorn makeup, you will need:

maquillage pieuvre pour enfant avec feutres tattoopen

2/ Octopus Makeup for Kids

Completion time: 5 minutes.

We love: the graphic nature of this makeup, with the tentacles that give it movement. The octopus can easily be transformed into a jellyfish, it's up to you...

Color suggestions: a combination of blue and green for an aquatic look.

Step 1: The Head

Creating the octopus head is super easy: simply draw a half-oval shape (half of an egg) and you're done!

Then, add two circles for the eyes and a dot inside each circle for the pupils.

For the eyes, feel free to make a cross-eyed octopus, kids will love it!

octopus face paint for kids with tattoopen markers tutorial step 1

Step 2: The Tentacles

You don't need to be a drawing pro to succeed with the tentacles, simply because they should all be different for a more realistic look.

Draw 6 elongated shapes starting from the head.

octopus face paint for kids with tattoopen markers tutorial step 2

h3 style="text-align: justify;">
To create this Octopus makeup, you will need:

bee face paint for kids with Tattoopen markers

3/ Bee Makeup for Kids

Completion Time: 5 minutes.

We love: an insect that fascinates children, after all, we owe it honey!

Color suggestions: guess what! This time, we go for the classic with yellow and black.

Step 1: Head and Wings

For the head, draw a simple oval shape.

Then, on the right side, add a slightly triangular shape to form one wing, followed by a thinner one (it's hidden behind the first wing).

bee face paint for kids with Tattoopen markers tutorial step 1

Step 2: Body

Draw a horizontal elongated shape, ending on the right side with a pointed tip: the famous stinger, ouch...

bee face paint for kids with Tattoopen markers tutorial step 2

Step 3: Stripes

Next, draw wide stripes and color them in yellow and black.

For the finishing touches, don't forget the antennae and, of course, the eyes!

bee face paint for kids with Tattoopen markers tutorial step 3

To create this Bee makeup, you will need:

turtle face paint for kids with Tattoopen markers

4/ Turtle Makeup for Kids

Estimated time: 5 minutes.

We love: the simplicity of the lines. You might not think of it, but a turtle is super easy to draw. And so adorable!

Color suggestions: This makeup works well with just outlines, without filling. Choose your preferred color from your Tattoopen markers.

Step 1: Overall Shape

Draw a half oval and a base, resembling a snowball.

turtle face paint for kids tutorial step 1

Step 2: Scales

To draw the scales, follow our pattern: a rounded horizontal line to create the top of the shell, then two vertical lines for the lower part.

turtle face paint for kids tutorial step 2

Step 3: Head and Legs

Now all you have to do is draw the little legs and head, don't forget the eye and tail.

turtle face paint for kids tutorial step 3

To create this Turtle makeup, you will need:

bear face paint for kids using tattoopen

5/ Bear Makeup for Kids

Execution time: 5 minutes.

We love: how cute it looks. A bear that's just waiting for a big hug...

Color suggestions: let your imagination run wild, and if needed, get inspired by the Care Bears universe.

Step 1: Overall Shape

Our bear is lying on its stomach, so the first thing to do is draw a horizontal line for the ground.

Next, draw the outlines of the head and body, which are two rounded shapes, similar to the upper part of a heart.

bear face paint for kids using tattoopen step 1

Step 2: Ears, Legs, and Tail

Add some small circles (imagine pebbles) here and there, and you'll start feeling the bear's presence!

Each of these elements (ears, legs, tail) is recognizable based on where it's placed.

bear face paint for kids using tattoopen step 2

Step 3: Face

Three small vertical lines on the top of the head create the fur.

Two colored circles serve as the eyes.

For the bear's nose, draw a small triangle with the tip pointing down.

To create the bear's mouth, draw a vertical line starting from the nose, then two lines on each side.

bear face paint for kids using tattoopen step 3

To create this Bear makeup, you will need:

giraffe face paint for kids using tattoopen

6/ Giraffe Makeup for Kids

Execution time: 5 minutes.

We love: this animal appeals to all children with its gentle gaze and long neck.

Color suggestions: yellow and brown.

Step 1: Head

Draw a horizontal oval, topped with a half-oval, and that's the shape of the head.

Next, draw the ears and antennae (two mushrooms).

Two dots for the eyes, two dots for the nostrils, and a line for the mouth... And there you have it!

giraffe face paint for kids using tattoopen step 1

Step 2: Body

From the head, draw a long neck leading to a rounded egg-shaped abdomen.

Just add the legs and the fluffy tail, too easy!

giraffe face paint for kids using tattoopen step 2

Step 3: Spots

Let's move on to decoration! Draw rounded spots all over the body (including the neck), color them as you like, and your giraffe is perfect!

giraffe face paint for kids using tattoopen step 3

To create this Giraffe makeup, you will need:

Once the makeup is complete, don't forget to take photos of your creations to share with family and friends. It will give them lots of ideas too. And while you're at it, share them on Instagram by tagging nailmatic. We would be thrilled!

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